Sunday, December 5, 2010

Just Say No!

I'm an advocate of self liberation. I advocate finding freedom from repressed rage (migraines to hypertension) that people have because throughout their entire lives they haven't learned to say NO! to the things they don't want to do but feel compelled to do something by whatever social pressure is exerted.


Pucker up: Put your tongue forward, put voice to the wind passing through your nose, now open your mouth and continue the sound. NNNNNNNNN OH!

No excuses, just NO. After a certain amount of time, depending on how long you have been a yes person, you will be in control of your own life.

Why will doing this allow you to stop hating housework? Because you'll have learned the tricks of the trade, how to simplify your life, why you get bogged down, and why housework is important to YOU. Not because of the whitest wash hanging on the line (competition) but because you will have learned that peace of mind (serenity) comes from an orderly environment. You are not doing things to please other people or NOT to please other people (rebelling either passively or actively) but because YOU feel better having things orderly. You can accomplish this by making a simple...

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