Sunday, December 5, 2010


When someone has a real need, like an emergency, I'm capable of triage--which is assessing the nature and seriousness of wounds in a multi-injury situation so the seriously injured don't die while a band-aid is being applied to a hardly wounded-at-all patient.

I'm also sensitive enough to offer my services when those services are really needed, but I reserve the right to refuse my services to anyone whom I feel may be infringing on my good nature. I've done many useful things. I can't be all things to all people, so I must choose what I will and what I won't do. I no longer let the opinions of others bother me. I know who I am and I act accordingly. I've found other people relate to me easier because I am straightforward and honest about my feelings. Since I took charge of my life, I seldom feel anger, bitterness, or hostility, because I seldom let others manipulate me into doing something I don't want to do. You too can take charge of your life and stop letting others manipulate you. This is how:

1 comment:

  1. my mom was always really great in emergency situations. calm and assessing and productive. she must be related to you.
