Monday, October 25, 2010


A messy house is a symptom of anger. Anger is a strong feeling of disfavor and is a reaction to the pre-emption of agency. It's often displaced and usually follows rejection, which is implied denial of existence. Its physical effects on the body can last two hours or more and doubles the risk of heart attack. Out-of-control anger can damage not only the physical situation, but can also damage emotional and spiritual health. People tend to excuse their lack of self control by blaming others. "I'm from a bad-tempered family." If my husband weren't so inconsiderate, I wouldn't get angry." The fact is I, alone, am responsible for what I do, say or think (and so are you!) I may not control circumstances or determine what other people do, but I can control how I react to people and events (and so can you!). Instead of blaming events or people for my anger, I need to recognize I make myself angry (and so do you!).

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