Saturday, October 16, 2010

Attention Deficit Disorder

Brain damage, whether due to injury, illness, or oxygen deprivation may result in ADD. Symptoms can include rage, destructive behavior, or even violence. The cause has been linked to over-stimulation of the brain. For an ADD four-year-old to go to the grocery store can be a nightmare. There are too many colors, people, things and noise all pounding on his overloaded brain. Is it any wonder he can't stand it and throws a tantrum? Crowds, TV, traffic, grocery shopping, all can be stressor triggers. Our four year old's treatment should include keeping things simple to reduce stimulation to his already overloaded neurons which cry out for relief. One mother has her four-year-old spend time alone, on the bed, in her room with one book or one toy to relieve his ADD overload (temper tantrum). If ADD is a problem and you're seeking solutions, try eliminating as many stimulators as you can. Clear away all of the child's toys and store them out of sight. Allow only one toy to be in use at a time. Clear dressers and table-tops (bare). Use only one item as a focal point. Taking away clutter removes the over-stimulation/stressors and allows the overtaxed brain to process information easier and less painfully. Actually, this "cure" is a fix for other kinds of problems as well. It helps relieve stress and allows peace and serenity to be a part of the regular home atmosphere.

Hank grew up before ADD was recognized. In those days children with this problem were called hyperactive and drugged to make them calm. After he and his family moved to the country, Hank seemed to do much better. He would sit on the bank of the creek and fish alone for hours. He found a natural control for his problem and no longer needed drugs.

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