Saturday, October 16, 2010


Did you know that smiling exercises muscles and raises the temperature of the brain just enough to allow release of positive chemicals into the bloodstream? These positive chemicals make us feel good and produce energy (strength) for us to function more efficiently. Did you also know that humor is effective in healing? Health care professionals are making it a regular part of their therapy strategy these days. Did you know that humor alleviates stress? Or that laughter breaks have been successful in lowering blood pressure in patients with moderate hypertension where drugs alone were unsuccessful? Robust laughter is followed by relaxation so there are some physiological benefits such as the easing of muscular tension and increased oxygen in the blood because of deep breathing. Laughter and humor cultivate the will to live and help mobilize the body's defenses. So you see? Smiling makes us feel good and laughter helps us get well and stay well!

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